Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why are Organic Ingredients so Expensive?

Now that most of you know I am promoting Organic Ingredients, you might wonder, If Organic Ingredients are so great, Why are they so expensive?

Organic ingredients are more expensive as they are grown in a stricter way compared to our average non-organic ingredients, therefore they need better conditions, and in some cases some organic ingredients can also be rejected if they do not meet the requirements. The rejection of organic ingredients makes organic ingredients very hard to obtain and lesser and lesser organic ingredients make the cut. Which is why it drives the price up.  Also organic ingredients are very hard to obtain, which is why farmers charge a premium for it.

There are so little farmers growing organic ingredients, as they do not want to risk planting organic products, as the public is more reliant on non-organic ingredients therefore most farmers tend to pick non-organic ingredients as they can sell more of it and create a larger profit. Also the climates of their farms are an issue. To grow organic ingredients we need clean air, water and a specific compost creation, therefore some farmers do not have the conditions available to plant the ingredients or in some cases farmers think it is not worth the hassle.

I hope you guys have learnt something today! Thank You! My ingredient posts shall start next week so stay tuned!

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