Saturday, November 14, 2015

Carrot Soup

Hello! This is my second Recipe of this Week. This Recipe is a simple Carrot Soup.

Ingredients Needed:

2 Whole Carrots

50 ml of Cream

2 Stalks of Coriander

2 Teaspoons of Curry Powder

30ml of Cream

2 Teaspoons of Onion

2 Teaspoons of Garlic

1 Garlic Bread for Garnish

10 ml of Olive Oil


1. Pan-Sear the Garlic and Onion with Olive Oil.

2. After 5 minutes, put in the roughly chopped Carrots and add Chicken Stock.

3. Cook for around 30 minutes until the Carrot is very soft, and the Stock has thickened.

4. After 30 minutes, Puree the Carrot Soup until it has no more lumps.

5. Leave it back to simmer and thicken with Cream for 10 minutes.

6. When plating, put the Carrot Soup at the bottom of the plate. Next, add the Curry Powder on top of the Carrot Soup. 

7. Add another dollop of cream in the Centre of the Bowl and add Coriander Stalks and the Garlic Bread for garnish.

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