Sunday, November 1, 2015

Salmon with Spinach

Hello! This is my first recipe on this Blog, and with the first recipe, I am going to introduce one of my favourite recipes which is also simple called "Salmon with Spinach".


Ingredients Needed:

1 Teaspoon of Garlic

1 Tablespoon of Onions

40 Grams of Spinach

70 Grams of Salmon Fillet (Salmon Belly can also be used)

50ml of Cream

2 Stalks of Watercress

1 Crouton

2 Thinly Slice Pieces of Radish

15 Grams of Parmesan Cheese


1. Season the Salmon Fillet with Salt, Pepper and Olive Oil.

2. Pan-Sear the Salmon for 15 seconds on each side to make sure that the orange colour stays throughout the middle.

3. Combine Cream, Spinach, Onion and Garlic to make the creamed Spinach. Sauté this mixture for 30 Seconds or until the cream has reduced.

4. When plating put the Spinach on the plate first.

5. Then gently put the Salmon Fillet atop the Spinach.

6. Add Radish, Croutons and Watercress for garnish.

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