Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 2 : Corn

For the Second Week of this Blog we will have Corn as our main ingredient! Now let's get started!

Fun Facts About Corn:

1. The seed of the corn is actually called a "Kernel".

2. In 16 Rows of One Corn Plant, there is an estimated 800 "Kernels".

3. Soft Drinks such as Coca-Cola and Fanta include Corn sweeteners. Yes, Corn is in our Soft Drinks!

4. Corn can be produced in several different colours such as red, white, purple, green and the most common yellow.

5. Corn was actually first planted by the Native Americans.

6. Corn has no cholesterol at all!

7. Corn also has many other uses besides for food such as for Starch, Fabrics, Plastics and many more.

Basic Information About Corn:

Corn is very high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium, Fibre and is also very high in anti-oxidants. There are also many uses for corn in the culinary side from Corn on the Cob itself to Peanut Butter. Nowadays Corn is a domesticated plant meaning there is no so-called "Wild Corn".


1."Fun Corn Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about Maize." Fun Corn Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about Maize. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
2."Interesting Facts about Corn." Dairy Moos. 15 Sept. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
3."Sweet Corn Fun Facts." Millersport Sweet Corn Festival. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

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