Hello! This is my first recipe on this Blog, and with the first recipe, I am going to introduce one of my favourite recipes which is also simple called "Salmon with Spinach.
Ingredients Needed:
1 Chicken Thigh
2 Tablespoons of Sour Cream
1 Tablespoon of Tumeric Paste.
1 Stalk of Bayleaf
2 Stalks of Lemongrass
5 Pieces of Kale
2 Tablespoons of Salt and Pepper
1. Brine the Chicken Thigh the Night Before with Salt and Sugar.
2. The Next Day, Rinse the Salt and Sugar off the Chicken Thigh and season with Salt and Pepper.
3. Put it in the Oven for 15 minutes or until it is Golden Brown.
4. To Create the Sauce, Mix the Sour Cream and Tumeric Paste with Lemongrass and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Put in the Bayleaf as an aromatic into the Sauce. Next Strain the Sauce and further reduce for 20 minutes.
6. Pan-Sear the Kale with the Sauce, although save some Sauce for the Plating Process.
7. After the Chicken Thigh is done cooking finely chop it into slices.
8. To Plate, Create a bed of Kale at the bottom of the Plate, then Gently put the Chicken Thigh on top of the Kale.
9. Put the Sauce on top of and around the Dish at the very end, and add Coriander as garnish.
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