Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 6: Kale

Well, this Week, Kale is the chosen Ingredient! You might be thinking, Why is Kale even included? Well, as you would learn in this article, Kale is actually a Superfood!

Fun Facts about Kale:

1. Kale actually has more Calcium compared to Milk.

2. Kale can actually also be eaten as chips, as most people who have eaten Kale for the first time usually eat Kale chips first!

3. Organic Kale also has a large difference of pesticides compared to the Inorganic Kale.

4. You can eat Kale as a Salad, Cook it, make Kale chips or even try it as a smoothie! Kale really is a multipurpose Ingredient.

5. Kale also is very cheap compared to other Vegetables, meaning not only is it good it also comes at a very affordable price!

6.There are also many types of Kale such as the "Red Nagoya" and the "White Russian". Very odd names for a Vegetable!

Nutritional Facts of Kale:

Kale is very high in fibre, protein and minerals. It is especially very high in Vitamin C  and Vitamin K. Although there are also many minerals in the Vegetable of Kale which are Magnesium, Iron and Calcium.

1."17 Fun Facts About Kale." Food Matters. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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