Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 10: Mint

This Week, Alongside Beets the other Chosen Ingredient of the Blog will be Mint! Therefore, Let's get Started with this super versatile Ingredient!

Fun Facts about Mint:

1. There are many different varieties of Mint which include the Spearmint, Apple Mint and the Peppermint.

2. Mint can also be incorporated into both Sweet and Savoury dishes in a Dry or Fresh Form.

3. The Oils and Menthols of the Mint Leaves are what creates our Mint-Flavoured Toothpastes and Mouthwash.

4. The Flower of the Mint Plant can also be either in the Colour of White or Pink. 

5. Mints are also Wild Plants meaning that they can survive in the Wild for up to two years.

6. The Size of Mint can range from 10 centimetres to 120 centimetres.

Nutritional Facts of Mint:
Mints is very high in Vitamins A, C and B2. Aside from that Mint also contains other important minerals such as Calcium, Copper and Magnesium. Mint is also usually used as Medicine to cure Stomach and Chest pains. Mint can also help cure Skin Burns as it has a cooling effect on the Human Body.


1."Mint Facts." Mint Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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