Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 11: Green Beans

Wait, What? Why are there Three Ingredients for This Week? Well, Since this is the Last Week of the Blog, I have decided to make it more Special! This is the last ever Ingredient to be featured on the Blog, so enjoy!

Fun Facts about Green Beans:

1. Green Beans grow in a Bush that can vary from 20 Centimetres to 51 Centimetres in size!

2. Surprisingly, Green Beans also produce flowers in the Colour of Red, Pink and White.

3. The Greatest Producer of Green Beans are China with 15 Million TONNES of Beans produced every year.

4. The Leaves of the Green Beans are also covered with hair, to trap Bugs.

5. Green Beans also cannot be eaten raw, Instead they must be boiled.

6. There are also almost 130 different varieties of Green Beans!

Nutritional Facts of Mint:
Green Beans are very high in all of the Vitamin B's, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Green Beans are also very rich in the Minerals of Magnesium and Manganese. Most Importantly, it is also high in Carbohydrates and Proteins! Which is Great for a Diet!


"Green Beans Facts." Green Beans Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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