Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pumpkin 3 Ways

Hello! This is arguably the Hardest Recipe on this Blog, although it is by far the best looking dish on the Blog!

Ingredients Needed:

1/2 of a Pumpkin 

1/8 of a Watermelon

10ml of Balsamic Oil

1 Tablespoon of Salt

1 Tablespoon of Honey

1/6 of a Lemon

10ml of Chicken Stock

10ml of Water

2 Pieces of Coriander

1 Piece of Arugula


1. Create a Pumpkin Puree, by Sautéing the Pumpkin for 10 minutes and gradually adding Chicken Stock and Water.

2. Pan-Sear the Watermelon for 1 minute on each side.

3. Cut the Pumpkin into any Shapes that you wish to have.

4. Blowtorch 1 piece of the Pumpkin to add caramelisation.

5. Creatively, put the Pumpkin pieces however you wish.

6. Add Coriander and Arugula for Garnish.

7. Add Balsamic Sauce into a Watermelon piece through a syringe.

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